Supporting people with disabilities through design and entrepreneurship

This project is funded through the British Council, Innovation for African Universities scheme to bridge the gap between the technical and entrepreneurial skills of disabled people in South Africa.
The partnership between Aston University, Central University of Technology and Loughborough University highlighted that disabled individuals want to start businesses but lack either the technical or entrepreneurial skills to progress.
This project seeks to help to develop two businesses through design thinking and provide educational materials for students which can be used to help future entrepreneurs with their startups.


Investigate the current challenges for people with disabilities in
South Africa
Establish the barriers to business development and the support needed for disabled students
Develop approaches to support people with disabilities through two business case studies
Create an interactive workshop to translate the findings into a learning resource.
Develop a network of stakeholders and partners, through international knowledge-sharing events.
CASE STUDY - Able Manufacturers
Schalk has worked with the Central University of Technology to develop a 3 in 1 wheelchair which can adapt to its terrain. A removable third wheel for independent outdoor travel over bumpy terrain and a hand bike attachment for travelling long distances can be attached to the standard chair. These attachments are giving disabled individuals in rural areas their independence back and allowing them to get jobs in the cities.